Bates Ind.Estate


Romford, Essex


12 weeks



Scope of works:

Diverting live drainage


Deep strip concrete foundations

Reinforced concrete slab

Associated paving works

Project Details:

Diverting live drainage was one of the biggest challenges on this project. The existing information wasn’t accurate and therefore special works had to be put in place during the construction process.

In addition to the drainage, the existing ground conditions were very challenging with made-ground over the whole site to a depth of over 2m. This meant trench collapse was inevitable. However, with our special works team putting together the correct earthwork support via our temporary works designs, the project was completed.

Poppet did our best to mitigate costs and time delays, and although the project overran due to the ground conditions, this didn’t sacrifice past first impressions. The team pulled out the stops, extended working hours, and on the whole, got stuck in.